Monday, February 9, 2015

Days 9 and 10

Day 9
Breakfast was the typical hashbrowns with kale and eggs before church. We were in a hurry, as usual, and I forgot a picture.

Lunch was leftover "ravioli" mix and Rob roasted up some zucchini and broccoli to go with it. Yum.
Dinner was in the crock pot all day: pork roast with butternut squash and broccoli. Turns out broccoli isn't a good crock pot vegetable, and neither go well with lime juice. Wouldn't recommend it. Oops, can't be perfect every time. The pork roast was good!

Day 10
Getting bored with the usual, I tried a whole30 banana nut 'porridge'. It was tasty, especially with blueberries and cinnamon but I couldn't eat the whole bowl-that's a lot of nuts! A nice pair of eggs (fried in PAM again---sorry) complimented it nicely. Kept me full all morning!
Apparently I was missing my egg and potato breakfast because I made scrambled eggs with kale for lunch, cooked up some bacon, and had it over sweet potato 'toasts' (sliced sweet potato, baked for 15-20 min). Yum. The girls appreciated the bacon too.

 For dinner we had leftover beef stew and added a baked potato with clarified butter and more bacon!

After the girls went to bed, we cooked up a delicious looking breakfast casserole that I can't wait to try tomorrow morning and Rob whipped up a banana-almond butter snack to munch much on before bed. Rob was starving when he got home from work today, I don't think he is taking in enough calories with this diet. We are thinking of ways to bulk up his lunches. 

One third done!

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